Results for 'Mekhon van Lir Bi-Yerushalayim'

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  1.  10
    Portret de grup cu filosofia: studii de istoriografie filosofică: in memoriam Viorel Colțescu.Viorel Colțescu, Ilona Bîrzescu, Claudiu Mesaroș, Ioan Buș & Gabriela Glăvan (eds.) - 2005 - Timișoara: Editura Universității de Vest.
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  2. ʻImanuʼel Leṿinas bi-Yerushalayim: parshanuyot filosofiyot u-perspeḳṭivot datiyot.Joëlle Hansel (ed.) - 2006 - Yerushalayim: Hotsaʼat sefarim ʻa. sh. Y.L. Magnes, ha-Universiṭah ha-ʻIvrit.
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  3. Bi-directional optimality theory: An application of game theory.Dekker Paul & van Rooy Robert - 2000 - Journal of Semantics 17 (3).
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    A Bi-Dimensional Taxonomy of Social Responsivity in Middle Childhood: Prosociality and Reactive Aggression Predict Externalizing Behavior Over Time.Simone Dobbelaar, Anna C. K. van Duijvenvoorde, Michelle Achterberg, Mara van der Meulen & Eveline A. Crone - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Developing social skills is essential to succeed in social relations. Two important social constructs in middle childhood, prosocial behavior and reactive aggression, are often regarded as separate behaviors with opposing developmental outcomes. However, there is increasing evidence for the co-occurrence of prosociality and aggression, as both might indicate responsivity to the social environment. Here, we tested whether a bi-dimensional taxonomy of prosociality and reactive aggression could predict internalizing and externalizing problems over time. We re-analyzed data of two well-validated experimental tasks (...)
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  5. Empirismoaren bi dogma.Willard Van Orman Quine - 2001 - In Agustin Arrieta Urtizberea (ed.), Egia motak. Bilbao: Universidad del País Vasco, Servicio Editorial.
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  6. Bi-Directional Evidence Linking Sentence Production and Comprehension: A Cross-Modality Structural Priming Study.Kaitlyn A. Litcofsky & Janet G. Van Hell - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Natural language involves both speaking and listening. Recent models claim that production and comprehension share aspects of processing and are linked within individuals (Dell & Chang, 2014; MacDonald, 2013; Pickering & Garrod, 2004; 2013a). Evidence for this claim has come from studies of cross-modality structural priming, mainly examining processing in the direction of comprehension to production. The current study replicated these comprehension to production findings and developed a novel cross-modal structural priming paradigm from production to comprehension using a temporally-sensitive online (...)
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    Selbstbetrachtungen und Selbstdarstellungen: der Philosoph und Kaiser Marc Aurel im interdisziplinären Licht: Akten des Interdisziplinären Kolloquiums Köln 23. bis 25. Juli 2009 = Meditations and representations: the philosopher and emperor Marcus Aurelius in an interdisciplinary light.Marcel van Ackeren & Jan Opsomer (eds.) - 2012 - Wiesbaden: Reichert Verlag.
    English Summary: Marcus Aurelius was Roman Emperor and the last important ancient stoic philosopher. His Meditations are one of the most widely read and known ancient works. Thus, research on this emperor has spread across an almost unprecedented number of scientific disciplines. This volume, which originated at the first conference on Marcus Aurelius, held in Cologne in 2009, reunites publishes recent research in history, archaeology, philosophy, philology, numismatics, rhetoric, legal studies, and literature. German text. German Description: Marc Aurel war romischer (...)
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    Geschichte der Ökologie: Vom 17. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart: Zehn Vorlesungen. Ludwig Trepl.Ad van Dommelen - 1992 - Isis 83 (1):109-110.
  9. Geschichte der Philosophie. Band VII. Die Philosophie der Neuzeit 1. Von Francis Bacon bis Spinoza. [REVIEW]Wiep van Bunge - 2008 - Studia Spinozana: An International and Interdisciplinary Series 16:318-319.
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  10. Epistemic logic and epistemology: The state of their affairs.Johan van Benthem - 2006 - Philosophical Studies 128 (1):49 - 76.
    Epistemology and epistemic logic At first sight, the modern agenda of epistemology has little to do with logic. Topics include different definitions of knowledge, its basic formal properties, debates between externalist and internalist positions, and above all: perennial encounters with sceptics lurking behind every street corner, especially in the US. The entry 'Epistemology' in the Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Klein 1993) and the anthology (Kim and Sosa 2000) give an up-to-date impression of the field. Now, epistemic logic started as a (...)
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  11. Signalling games select horn strategies.Robert van Rooy - 2004 - Linguistics and Philosophy 27 (4):493-527.
    In this paper I will discuss why (un) marked expressionstypically get an (un)marked interpretation: Horn''sdivision of pragmatic labor. It is argued that it is aconventional fact that we use language this way.This convention will be explained in terms ofthe equilibria of signalling games introduced byLewis (1969), but now in an evolutionary setting. Iwill also relate this signalling game analysis withParikh''s (1991, 2000, 2001) game-theoretical analysis ofsuccessful communication, which in turn is compared withBlutner''s: 2000) bi-directional optimality theory.
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    Lugal ud me-lám-bi nir-g̃ál: Texte, Traduction et IntroductionLugal ud me-lam-bi nir-gal: Texte, Traduction et Introduction.Samuel Noah Kramer & J. van Dijk - 1985 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 105 (1):135.
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    Augustinus: Spuren und Spiegelungen seines Denkens. Band 1: Von den Anfängen bis zur Reformation. Band 2: Von Descartes bis in die Gegenwart. [REVIEW]Frederick Van Fleteren - 2010 - Augustinian Studies 41 (2):462-463.
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    VI-10 Ordinis sexti tomus decimus: Annotationes in Novum Testamentum (Pars Sexta).Poll-van de Lisdonk (ed.) - 2014 - BRILL.
    Erasmus's Annotations on 1. Tim. to Apocalypse have been edited in a critical edition with commentary. Thus, the Latin texts are made accessible to readers interested in philological, theological and historical issues. Erasmus' Anmerkungen zu 1. Tim. bis einschliesslich der Apokalypse sind kritisch herausgegeben und mit Kommentar versehen. In dieser Weise ist der betreffende lateinische Text für philologisch, theologisch und historisch interessierte Leser zugänglich.
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    Probleme aufgrund sozialer Ungleichheit: Ein Mismatch-Phänomen.Carel P. van Schaik & Judith M. Burkart - 2019 - In Gerald Hartung & Matthias Herrgen (eds.), Interdisziplinäre Anthropologie: Jahrbuch 7/2019: Soziale Ungleichheit. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 77-84.
    Vorrede | In diesem charakteristischerweise hervorragend recherchierten Beitrag erörtern Kappeler und Fichtel die Konsequenzen sozialer und einkommensbedingter Ungleichheit für die individuelle Gesundheit und die empfundene Einsamkeit aus einer evolutionären Perspektive. Das zentrale Argument der Autoren ist, dass sich die modernen Großgesellschaften, in denen fast alle Menschen heutzutage leben, grundsätzlich von den egalitären Kleingesellschaften unterscheiden, in denen wir evolviert sind und in denen wir bis vor lediglich 20.000 Jahren alle gelebt haben. Diese Zeitspanne war gemäß den meisten Schätzungen viel zu kurz, (...)
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    An Epistemic Separation Logic with Action Models.Hans van Ditmarsch, Didier Galmiche & Marta Gawek - 2023 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 32 (1):89-116.
    In this paper we present an extension of (bunched) separation logic, Boolean BI, with epistemic and dynamic epistemic modalities. This logic, called action model separation logic ($$\mathrm {AMSL}$$AMSL), can be seen as a generalization of public announcement separation logic in which we replace public announcements with action models. Then we not only model public information change (public announcements) but also non-public forms of information change, such as private announcements. In this context the semantics for the connectives$$*$$∗and$$\mathrel {-*}$$-∗from separation logic are (...)
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  17. (2 other versions)Tác động của yếu tố xã hội đến phản ứng của nhà đầu tư chứng khoán cá nhân trong khủng hoảng: bằng chứng từ Trung Quốc và Việt Nam.Nguyễn Phương Tri, Nguyễn Văn Quý, Giang Hoàng & Nguyễn Minh Hoàng - 2024 - Tạp Chí Kinh Tế Và Dự Báo 864 (1):55-63.
    Cảm xúc là yếu tố cơ bản thúc đẩy con người đưa ra quyết định và xử lý thông tin. Sợ hãi là một trong những cảm xúc phổ biến nhất ảnh hưởng đến hành vi của nhà đầu tư cá nhân trên thị trường chứng khoán. Mặc dù nhiều nghiên cứu đã được thực hiện để khám phá tác động của nỗi sợ hãi đối với hiệu quả đầu tư và hành vi giao dịch của nhà đầu tư cá (...)
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  18. (1 other version)Professor Dr. H. I J. Groenewegen 1902 bis 7. Mai 1927.H. W. Van der Vaart Smit - 1927 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 32:543.
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    Internationale pietistische Erzähltraditionen vom 17. bis zum 21. Jahrhundert.Fred A. van Lieburg - 2005 - In Udo Sträter (ed.), Interdisziplinäre Pietismusforschungen: Beiträge Zum Ersten Internationalen Kongress Für Pietismusforschung 2001. De Gruyter. pp. 733-744.
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    Manifeste--Intentionalität.Hubert van den Berg & Ralf Grüttemeier (eds.) - 1998 - Atlanta, Ga.: Rodopi.
    Dem hier präsentierten Band liegt die These zugrunde, daß die Anfänge der Praxis, kunstprogrammatische Texte als Manifest zu bezeichnen, und die anschließende Hoch-konjunktur in der avantgardistischen Nomenklatur vor dem Hintergrund der problematisch gewordenen Intentionalität im Dreieck Künstler, Kunstwerk und Publikum gesehen werden muß. Den Beleg dafür tritt der vorliegende Band von drei Ansätzen aus an: Interpretation, Funktionalität und Strategie. Dabei wird ein Korpus aus verschiedenen Kunstsparten behandelt, das von literarischen Deklarationen der russischen Moderne ab 1893 bis zu postmodernen Manifesten reicht, (...)
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    Karl Popper und das Staatsverständnis des Kritischen Rationalismus.Robert Christian van Ooyen & Martin H. W. Möllers (eds.) - 2019 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
    Kaum einer hat die offene Gesellschaft in der politischen Philosophie des 20. Jahrhunderts so leidenschaftlich verteidigt wie Karl Popper. Sein Demokratieverstandnis ist eng gekoppelt an seine Wissenschaftstheorie und die Kritik an Platon, Hegel, Marx. Als Liberaler und sozialer Reformist wird er parteiubergreifend zum Stichwortgeber bundesdeutscher Politik seit den 70er Jahren. Popper-Rezeptionen finden sich bis in die Staatsrechtslehre (namentlich Peter Haberle) und das Bundesverfassungsgericht hinein. Noch heute lasst sich mit Popper gegen Diktaturen wie uberhaupt gegen Konzepte von "Gemeinschaft" Position beziehen - (...)
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    Are the UN Sustainable Development Goals a Valuable Platform for Advancing a Basic Income? A Critical Historical Studies Account.Tracy A. Smith-Carrier & Rana Van Tuyl - 2024 - Basic Income Studies 19 (1):131-150.
    United Nations (UN) leaders suggest that the world is not on track to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. The purpose of this paper is to explore whether the SDGs provide a valuable platform to call for a basic income (BI) globally. Adopting a critical historical studies approach, the article traces the evolution of ‘development’, including the UN decades of development, the Millennium Development Goals, and the SDGs. It subsequently describes the structural adjustment and poverty reduction efforts by (...)
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  23. Comorbidity: A network perspective.Angélique Oj Cramer, Lourens J. Waldorp, Han Lj van der Maas & Denny Borsboom - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (2-3):137-150.
    The pivotal problem of comorbidity research lies in the psychometric foundation it rests on, that is, latent variable theory, in which a mental disorder is viewed as a latent variable that causes a constellation of symptoms. From this perspective, comorbidity is a (bi)directional relationship between multiple latent variables. We argue that such a latent variable perspective encounters serious problems in the study of comorbidity, and offer a radically different conceptualization in terms of a network approach, where comorbidity is hypothesized to (...)
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    Ethik im antiken Christentum.Hanns Christof Brennecke & Johannes van Oort (eds.) - 2011 - Walpole, Mass.: Peeters.
    Vorträge gehalten am Treffen der Patristischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft vom 2. bis 5. Januar 2003 in Heilsbronn bei Nürnberg.
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    Zwischen Hadit Und Theologie: Studien Zum Entstehen Prädestinatianischer Überlieferung.Josef van Ess - 1975 - De Gruyter.
    Die Studien zur Geschichte und Kultur des islamischen Orients / Studies in the History and Culture of the Islamic Orient ist die Reihe der "Beihefte" zur Zeitschrift Der Islam. Beide werden von der Abteilung für Geschichte und Kultur des Vorderen Orients, Asien-Afrika-Institut, Universität Hamburg herausgegeben. Die Abteilung wurde im Jahre 1908 noch vor der Universität Hamburg gegründet. Sie war unter ihrem ersten Direktor C. H. Becker das erste wissenschaftliche Zentrum in Deutschland, in dem die Lehre und Forschung sich auf die (...)
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    Gnade—Freiheit—Rechtfertigung. Augustinische Topoi und Ihre Wirkungsgeschichte. Internationales Kolloquium zum 1650.Geburtstag Augustins vom 25. bis 27. November 2004 im Erbacher Hof zu Mainz. [REVIEW]Frederick Van Fleteren - 2008 - Augustinian Studies 39 (1):135-138.
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    Pauly, F., Springiersbach. Geschichte des Kanonikerstift und seiner Tochtergründungen im Erzbistum Trier von den Anfängen bis zum Endedes 18. Jahrhunderts. [REVIEW]B. van Luijk - 1964 - Augustinianum 4 (1):240-240.
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    A Time–Space Symmetry Based Cylindrical Model for Quantum Mechanical Interpretations.Thuan Vo Van - 2017 - Foundations of Physics 47 (12):1559-1581.
    Following a bi-cylindrical model of geometrical dynamics, our study shows that a 6D-gravitational equation leads to geodesic description in an extended symmetrical time–space, which fits Hubble-like expansion on a microscopic scale. As a duality, the geodesic solution is mathematically equivalent to the basic Klein–Gordon–Fock equations of free massive elementary particles, in particular, the squared Dirac equations of leptons. The quantum indeterminism is proved to have originated from space–time curvatures. Interpretation of some important issues of quantum mechanical reality is carried out (...)
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    Hitherto Unknown Arabic Manuscript of Thābit b. Qurra’s Version of the Almagest.Benno van Dalen, Pouyan Rezvani, Nadine Löhr & Maurizio Boehm - 2024 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 144 (3):627-632.
    Until recently, only two Arabic translations of Ptolemy’s Almagest were thought to have survived, one by al-Ḥajjāj made under the caliph al-Maʾmūn and one by Isḥāq b. Ḥunayn, later revised by Thābit b. Qurra, prepared in the second half of the third/ninth century. In the 2010s, a third Arabic version of the Almagest, authored by Thābit b. Qurra alone, was first shown by Dirk Grupe to be extant in a partial Latin translation in a Dresden manuscript, and then in an (...)
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    Illustrating the pathway from affect to somatic symptom: the Affective Picture Paradigm.Tara M. Petzke, Kathrin Weber, Omer Van den Bergh & Michael Witthöft - 2024 - Cognition and Emotion 38 (5):801-817.
    High levels of somatic symptom distress represent a core component of both mental and physical illness. The exact aetiology and pathogenesis of this transdiagnostic phenomenon remain largely unknown. The Affective Picture Paradigm (APP) represents an innovative experimental paradigm to study somatic symptom distress. Based on the HiTOP framework and a population-based sampling approach, associations between facets of somatic symptom distress and symptoms induced by the APP were explored in two studies (N1 = 201; N2 = 254) using structural equation bi-factor (...)
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    Bi-Simulating in Bi-Intuitionistic Logic.Guillermo Badia - 2016 - Studia Logica 104 (5):1037-1050.
    Bi-intuitionistic logic is the result of adding the dual of intuitionistic implication to intuitionistic logic. In this note, we characterize the expressive power of this logic by showing that the first order formulas equivalent to translations of bi-intuitionistic propositional formulas are exactly those preserved under bi-intuitionistic directed bisimulations. The proof technique is originally due to Lindstrom and, in contrast to the most common proofs of this kind of result, it does not use the machinery of neither saturated models nor elementary (...)
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  32.  48
    Harry Janssen: Kultur und Sprache. Zur Geschichte der alten Kirche im Spiegel der SprachentwicklungvonTertullian bis Cyprian. Pp. xii + 265. (Latinitas Christianorum Primaeva etc., Fasc. 8.) Nijmegen: Dekker en van de Vegt, 1938. Stiff paper, fl. 3.25. [REVIEW]A. Souter - 1938 - The Classical Review 52 (05):200-.
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    De bestuurskracht van de Belgische gemeente.Rudolf Maes - 1970 - Res Publica 12 (3):427-456.
    It is a striking point that, in the general context of the municipal administration's reform, this administration itself is never brought into discredit. When criticisms are formulated, they concern the fact that not all municipalities are able to offer their inhabitants the services which they normally may expect, as well for their immediate human development as for the adapted extension of the material infrastructure and of their vital environment. This normally raises the question of the municipalities' administrative power.The factors which (...)
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    Is a Penny a Month a Basic Income? A Historiography of the Concept of a Threshold in Basic Income: Winner of the 2021 BIS essay contest.Toru Yamamori - 2022 - Basic Income Studies 17 (1):29-51.
    Does a penny per month constitute a Basic Income? Were that penny to be paid individually, universally, and unconditionally, the answer would be ‘yes’, following the definition of Basic Income given by some of its leading advocates, be it organisations like the Basic Income Earth Network or prominent scholars such as Philippe Van Parijs. Some might be puzzled as to how this could be ‘a capitalist road to communism’, or give us ‘freedom as the power to say no’, both of (...)
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    Kultur der einfachen leute. Bayerisches Volksleben von 16. bis zum 19, Jahrhundert : edited by Richard van Dülmen , 265 pp. [REVIEW]Bob Scribner - 1985 - History of European Ideas 6 (3):370-371.
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    İslam hukukunda zannî bi̇lgi̇ni̇n deli̇l değeri̇ bağlaminda i̇cti̇had.Mehmet Zahir Karataş - 2021 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 9 (15):215-237.
    Özet Dini bilginin temel kaynağı olan Kur’an ve Sünnet’in Peygamberimizden bize haber yoluyla intikal ettiği hususu izahtan vârestedir. Rasûlullâh demek, Allah’tan aldığı bilgiyi insanlara ileten elçi, haberci demektir. Bu nedenle Peygamberlerden bize ulaşan dini bilgiye de haber ya da haber-i resûl denilmiştir. Rasûlullâh’tan teşrî’ ile ilgili gelen her haber, duyanlar ve tevâtür yoluyla ulaşılanlar için bila şek vela ihtilâf, kesinkes doğru ve bağlayıcıdır. Ancak bazı haberlerin Rasûlullâh’a nisbeti kesin olmadığı için ya da nisbeti kesin olsa da delâleti kesin olmadığı için (...)
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    De idee Van filosofie AlS strenge wetenschap bij Husserl.K. Kuypers - 1974 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 36 (4):673 - 706.
    Die Forderung einer Philosophie als strenger Wissenschaft, von Husserl zum ersten Mal in dem bekannten Logosaufsatz erhoben, richtet sich nicht, wie meistens gedacht und auch von Dilthey selbst so verstanden ist, gegen den Historizismus von Dilthey, sondern vielmehr gegen dessen Identifizierung von Philosophie mit Weltanschauungsphilosophie und damit mit Weisheitslehre. Husserl hat vom Anfang an bis zum Ende seines Lebens sich der Herausarbeitung dieer Idee gewidmet und die Phänomenologie als Verwirklichung dieser Idee betrachtet. Dementsprechend soll man auch der geläufigen Auffassung zuwider (...)
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    Mekkî B. ebî tâli̇bi̇n kiraat i̇lmi̇ne katkisi.Abdullah Sawas - 2020 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 8 (13):137-162.
    Kur’ân-ı Kerîm ilimlerini araştırmak Allah indinde en şerefli amellerdendir. Özellikle de bu, Resulullah’ın ashabına öğrettiği vecih üzere vahiy lafızlarını nakletme olgusunu üstlenen kıraat ilmini araştırma olunca. Kur’ân-ı Kerîm İslam şeriatının ilk kaynağı olduğundan eskiden ve şuan âlimler Kur’ân-ı Kerîm’le ilgili olan tefsir, kıraat, dil bilim, i‘râb ve benzeri ilimlere önem vermişlerdir. Ben bu âlimlerden biri hakkında konuşmak istedim. O da çeşitli şeriat ilimlerinde ilim ehli arasındaki yüksek konumundan ötürü İmam Ebû Muhammed Mekkî b. Ebî Talib’tir. Mekkî, şeriat ilimlerin çoğunu elde (...)
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    Sâi̇nüddîn ali̇ bi̇n türke’de varlik mertebeleri̇.Buşra Arslan Meçi̇n - 2021 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 9 (14):91-105.
    Öz Çalışmanın konusu irfanî geleneğin on beşinci yüzyıldaki önemli temsilcilerinden ve aynı zamanda İbnü’l-Arabî’nin takipçilerinden biri olan İbn Türke’nin varlık mertebelerine dair görüşleridir. Konu, İbn Türke’nin varlık ve varlığın mertebeleri ile ilgili düşüncelerinden hareketle hazırlanmıştır. Birincil kaynakların esas alındığı bu çalışmada, İbn Türke ve Ekberî geleneğin önemli temsilcilerinin eserlerine müracaat edilmiştir. Çalışmanın amacı, felsefe ve kelâmın yanı sıra tasavvuf felsefesinin en önemli konularından biri olan varlık düşüncesi ve varlık mertebelerini İbn Türke’nin görüşleri çerçevesinde ele alarak âlemdeki varoluşun hakikatinin ne olduğu, (...)
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    Partijgebeuren en rolverwachtingen t.a.v. de verkiezing of selectie van de partijvoorzitter in de Parti Socialiste.Stefaan Fiers - 1996 - Res Publica 38 (1):181-208.
    This article deals with the process through which party leaders in the Parti Socialiste were selected in the eighties and the nineties. Despite theparty congress's entitlement to elect leaders, the critical factor in winning the leadership has been endorsement by predecessors. G. Spitaels and Ph. Busquin are cases in point.The congress merely serves as a ritual, as a consequence of which the outcome of the vote is highly predictable, influenced as it is by party events and role-expectations. Socialist party leaders (...)
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    İslam İnanç Ekollerinde “Emr-i Bi’l- Ma’ruf ve Nehyi Ani’l-Münker”.Bayram Çinar - 2020 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 8 (13):87-109.
    Öz: Bu çalışmama İslam’da bireyin kamuya karşı sorumluluk alanı ile bağlantılı bir ilkesini; “Emr-i bi’l- Ma’ruf ve Nehyi Ani’l-Münker”i İslam İnanç Ekolleri içerisinde nasıl algılandığını ve nasıl uygulandığını ele alacaktır. Bundaki amacım birey- kamu ilişkisinde, bireyin özgürlük alanlarının ihmal edildiği yönündeki varsayımımdır. Bu girişten sonra, çalışmada İslam inanç ekollerinin konuya ilişkin yaklaşımları ve bu yaklaşımlarına kaynak teşkil eden metinlere yer verilecektir. Çalışmamızda ekollerin kronolojik tarihlerini göz önünde bulunduran bir sıralama takip edeceğiz. Bundaki amacımız özellikle “Emr-i bi’l- Ma’ruf ve Nehyi Ani’l- (...)
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    De (on) macht van de Eerste Minister. Een A‐Wetenschappelijke Ervaringsbenadering.Jean-Luc Dehaene - 2000 - Res Publica 42 (1):33-44.
    The position of the Belgian prime minister is hardly mentioned in the Belgian Constitution. lt was only after almost 140 years, in 1970 he was mentioned for the first time. lts power is rather a matter of common law. Since 1831 through the years, the position and power of the PM changed strongly. This often happened together with changes concerning the power of the King: the weaker the King, the stronger the PM.The existence of coalition governments puts forward bis role (...)
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    Türk makam müzi̇ği̇ ekseni̇nde hati̇p zâki̇rî Hasan efendi̇’ni̇n i̇ki̇ i̇lâhîsi̇ üzeri̇ne makamsal ve bi̇çi̇msel bi̇r i̇nceleme.Emre Akgün - 2021 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 9 (15):162-174.
    Türk makam müziği, kökeni Orta Asya’ya dayanan, Çin, Hint, Fars ve Ortadoğu kültürüyle yoğurulmuş, çok kültürlü yapısıyla oldukça zenginleşmiş bir müziktir. İslâmiyetin kabulüyle Orta çağ İslâm dünyasının en önemli kuramcılarından olan Kındî, Farâbî ve İbn-î Sînâ yapmış oldukları çalışmalarla Türk makam müziğinin gelişimine büyük katkı sağlamışlardır. Türk mûsikîsi en büyük gelişimini Osmanlı devleti zamanında göstermiştir. Padişahların birçoğunun mevlevî tarikatına mensup olması bu bağlamda mûsikî ve edebiyata hâkim olmaları gelişimi sağlayan en önemli etkenlerdendir. Türk makam müziğinin gelişiminde Doğu coğrafyası ile olan (...)
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    İnanç müzi̇ği̇ etnoloji̇si̇ perspekti̇fi̇nde bi̇r şehri̇n i̇lâhi̇si̇ "ya hannân ya Mennan".Mustafa Dağdevi̇ren - 2021 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 9 (15):84-98.
    Faith music has existed with the emergence of belief since the archaic period and has been a tool in showing devotion to the sacred in almost all beliefs. Music is sometimes used individually, sometimes together with collective rituals, sometimes only with human voices, sometimes only with instruments and sometimes with musical accompaniment, in order to spread the belief, convey religious information and reinforce the teachings, purify, communicate with the spirits and present their devotion to them. In the study, the hymn (...)
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    Parlementaire en buiten-parlementaire activiteiten van Vlaamse volksvertegenwoordigers.Lieven De Winter - 1980 - Res Publica 22 (1-2):223-257.
    In this article, we integrated the data of four inquiries, concerning various activities and features, computing the relations between all these quantitative variables by partialcorrelation and multiple regression techniques.Remarkably, the most determing factor of the amount of preference votes of a candidate seems to be his various activities in parliament.His clientelist activities and his personal electoral campaign influence also, but in a lesser way, the cast of these votes. Parliamentary seniority correlates positively with the number of cumulated offices, which in (...)
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    Brief 5: Bartel Leendert van der Waerden an Grete Hermann.Kay Herrmann - 2019 - In Herrmann Kay (ed.), Grete Henry-Hermann: Philosophie – Mathematik – Quantenmechanik : Texte Zur Naturphilosophie Und Erkenntnistheorie, Mathematisch-Physikalische Beiträge Sowie Ausgewählte Korrespondenz Aus den Jahren 1925 Bis 1982. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 453-453.
    Ich sprach über Ihren Brief mit Heisenberg, der meinte, er wäre einverstanden, wenn Sie hierher kämen, vorausgesetzt daß Sie nicht mehr von seiner Zeit in Anspruch nähmen als etwa 2 Stunden in der Woche. Unter ähnlichen Bedingungen stehe ich auch gerne zu Ihrer Verfügung. Wir sehen beide ein, daß eine Diskussion zwischen Ihnen und uns zur Klärung der philosophischen Fragen der Quantenmechanik für beide Teile lehrreich verlaufen könnte.
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    Den Frieden komponieren?: ein Symposium zur musikalischen Friedensforschung, Bremen, 16. bis 18. Januar 2009.Hartmut Lück & Dieter Senghaas (eds.) - 2010 - Mainz: Schott.
    Den Freiden komponieren? Einführung aus der Sicht des Friedensforschers / Dieter Senghaas -- Musik als Botschaft, Frieden als Thema / Frank Schneider -- Musikalische Darstellungen des Friedens in Geschichte und Gegenwart / Hartmut Lück -- "Dona Nobis Pacem". Schrei und Utopie bei Ludwig van Beethoven, Bernd Alios Zimmermann, Heinz Holliger und Klaus Huber / Nicolas Schalz -- Begegnung der Kulturen. Ästhetik und Engagement bei Isang Yun, Younghi Pagh-Paan und Toshio Hosokawa / Walter-Wolfgang Sparrer -- Grenzfeuer der Utopie. Neueste Musik zwischen (...)
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  48. Dona Nobis Pacem". Schrei und Utopie bei Ludwig van Beethoven, Bernd Alios Zimmermann, Heinz Holliger und Klaus Huber.Nicolas Schalz - 2010 - In Hartmut Lück & Dieter Senghaas (eds.), Den Frieden komponieren?: ein Symposium zur musikalischen Friedensforschung, Bremen, 16. bis 18. Januar 2009. Mainz: Schott.
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    Baṣran Muʿtazilite Theology: Abū ʿAlī Muḥammad b. Khallād’s Kitāb al-uṣūl and its reception. A Critical Edition of the Ziyādāt Sharḥ al-uṣūl by the Zaydī Imām al-Nāṭiq bi-l- ḥaqq Abū Ṭālib Yaḥyā b. al-Ḥusayn b. Hārūn al-Buṭḥānī (d. 424/1033), Leiden: Brill, 2010. [REVIEW]Halil İbrahim Delen - 2024 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 12 (20):123-127.
    The book under study is "Kitāb al-Uṣūl" and its commentary "Sharḥ al-Uṣūl" written by Ibn Ḥallād al-Basrī, one of Abū Ḥāshim al-Jubbāʾī's leading students. This work is the result of the Mu'tazilite Manuscripts Project conducted by Sabine Schmidtke and D. E. Sklare, and has been published in an edited edition by Camilla Adang, Wilferd Madelung, and Sabine Schmidtke. The study, entitled "-A Critical Edition of the Ziyādāt Sharḥ al-uṣūl by the Zaydī Imām al-Nāṭiq bi-l-ḥaqq Abū Ṭālib Yaḥyā b. al-Ḥusayn b. (...)
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    Real Freedom for All Revisited – Normative Justifications of Basic Income.Troy Henderson - 2017 - Basic Income Studies 12 (1).
    This paper contributes to debates regarding the normative justification of basic income (BI) via a critical reevaluation of Philippe Van Parijs’ ‘real-libertarian’ theory. Van Parijs’ work constitutes the most ambitious attempt within the literature to ground a justification of BI within a systematic normative framework. In this paper I argue that key elements of his framework should form part of any progressive justification of BI. Specifically, his linking of the principle of ‘real freedom for all’ with the policy mechanism of (...)
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